Birmingham Services
We offer solutions
to fit your needs
Momentum Checking
3.00% APY*
*Annual Percentage Yields (APY) effective as of 1/22/2024. $100 minimum opening balance. APY of 0.90% will be paid on daily collected balances over $30,000. Fees may reduce earnings. APY is guaranteed until 12/31/2024. Rate may change at that time or any time thereafter without notice. **Qualifications are required per statement cycle. The Qualifications are: Have at least 6 debit card point of sale purchases post and settle per statement cycle (ATM withdrawals and ATM processed transactions do not count towards qualifying debit card transaction), Be enrolled and receive electronic statements, send or receive at least one Automated Clearing House (ACH) transaction (debit or credit) per statement cycle. All qualification transactions must be posted to and settle the account during the statement cycle. If requirements are not met, the rate will revert to default rate of 0.10% on the entire balance in your account. Account’s first order of standard (non-customized) checks are free. Limited time offer. Certain terms, conditions, and exclusions may apply. Please refer to the Truth in Savings disclosure provided at account opening for more information. Offer valid to Birmingham area residents only. Member FDIC.
Money Market
3.80% APY*
*3.80% Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of 1/3/2025. Rates may change after account opened and without notice. Promotional APY guaranteed thru 3/31/2025, at which time the standard (non-promotional rate) for the product will apply. No minimum balance to earn interest during promotional time frame or for the non-promotional rates once the promotion expires. Fees may reduce earnings. Interest accrues on the daily collected balance and is credited monthly. $1,000 minimum opening deposit is required. See a customer service representative for non-promotional interest rates and balance tiers after promotion expires. Offer available only at Birmingham, AL area offices. Member FDIC.
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